Donald Trump, Loser.

Donald Trump likes to characterize people and institutions using simple repeatable epithets that end up sticking like glue – Crooked Hillary, Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted, Failing New York Times, Weak Jeb, Fake CNN, and now Leaker Comey.  These simple insults resonate.

In search of a simple tag to put on Donald Trump, I Iooked at the ones already in play – bully, misogynist, blowhard, ignorant,  incompetent, etc.  None really captures The Donald fully and completely.  He can be any and/or all of the above at any given time.  I came to realize that there is, however, one term that does describe the 45th President simply and accurately – one that he himself has used when he wants to completely dismiss an adversary.  The word is “loser”.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Donald Trump is a Loser.  With a capital “L”. Continue reading “Donald Trump, Loser.”