How Climate Activists are Getting it Wrong

Climate Champions, or Roadblocks?

As most of the world realises, climate change is real, potentially catastrophic, and caused/exacerbated by human activity (i.e. greenhouse gas emissions).  The evidence is overwhelming. 

Climate change should be an apolitical issue.  It affects all people, regardless of location, economic status, or political stripe, and demands action from all people.  Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions should be a non-partisan, politically neutral, shared necessity.  Should be. 

There are opponents, usually on the conservative side of the spectrum, who resist any reasonable action on climate.   Among this group of detractors, deniers and do-nothings are those who dismiss climate activists as politically driven opportunists – wanting more to advance a socialist revolution rather than to save the planet.  How can they say this?  Because climate activists are doing everything they can to portray climate action as an element of a socialist revolution.  Their objective appears to be a radical transformation of society (i.e. “System Change”), bundling action on climate with action on social issues.  They aren’t helping.  Instead of convincing those who need to be convinced that combatting climate change is not a radical idea, the activists seem hell-bent on making it a radical idea. 

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