“If you liked my brother………” The ridiculous notion of Doug Ford as Premier


Doug Ford is poised to become Premier of Ontario, Canada’s largest province.  And it’s not funny.


Back in 2014, Rob Ford was nearing the end of his term as Mayor of Toronto – a term that was, shall we say, chaotic, tumultuous, ridiculous.  Mayor Ford had become an international laughing stock, as a result of his erratic, bizarre behaviour both in and out of office, fueled by a not-so-secret fondness for alcohol and crack cocaine.  And Doug Ford was at his brother’s side during the whole sordid mess – as designated apologist, denier, cheerleader, co-sponsor of hare-brained ideas, and aggressive challenger to anyone questioning Rob’s ability to oversee North America’s fourth largest city while under the influence. Continue reading ““If you liked my brother………” The ridiculous notion of Doug Ford as Premier”